Side Hustle Hustle: Crushing Your Goals Even When Your Inner Laziness Protests

So, to build on our recent post about side hustles, you’ve either taken the plunge or you’re planning your move to pursue this endeavor. You’ve got your idea, your passion, and a vision of that extra income rolling in. But then reality hits: Your day job is demanding, the latest season of The Bear on Hulu is calling your name, and that comfy sofa is looking mighty tempting. Suddenly, the idea of hustling on your side hustle feels about as appealing as a root canal.

Taking a nap

Even the most ambitious among us have moments (or days, or weeks) where motivation takes a nosedive. The key to success lies in finding strategies to overcome that inertia and create a sustainable system that works for you. Here’s your guide to conquering the lazy days and making consistent progress on your side hustle:

1. Prioritize Like a Pro:

Not all tasks are created equal. Some are urgent, some are important, and some are just busywork. Start by identifying your most impactful tasks – the ones that will move the needle on your side hustle. Focus your energy on those first, and you’ll see results faster, giving you a much-needed boost of motivation.

Tip: Try the Eisenhower Matrix, a simple tool that helps you categorize tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This can help you prioritize effectively and avoid wasting time on low-impact activities.

Get started

2. Schedule Your Hustle (Yes, Even the Fun Stuff):

Don’t leave your side hustle to chance. It will take a little discipline – Block out dedicated time in your calendar, just as you would for your day job or other commitments. Be specific – instead of just writing “work on side hustle,” specify the task (e.g., “write blog post,” “create social media content”). This helps you stay focused and ensures your hustle gets the attention it deserves.

Tip: Experiment with different scheduling techniques. Some people prefer to batch similar tasks together (e.g., dedicate a few hours to writing all your blog posts for the week), while others prefer to spread them out throughout the week. Find what works best for you and your energy levels.

3. Set Realistic Goals (Baby Steps Are Still Steps):

Don’t overwhelm yourself with unrealistic expectations. Start with small, achievable goals that you can build on over time. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. Each completed task, no matter how minor, is a step closer to your ultimate goal.

Tip: Break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. This makes them less daunting and gives you a sense of accomplishment as you tick them off your list.

4. Embrace the Pomodoro Technique (Work Smarter, Not Harder):

Circling back to a previous post, this time management method involves working in focused bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. After four Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break (15-20 minutes). This technique helps you stay focused, avoid burnout, and make the most of your time.

Tip: Experiment with different work intervals and break durations to find what works best for you. Some people prefer longer work sessions with shorter breaks, while others prefer the opposite.

5. Find Your Sweet Spot (Where Productivity Meets Passion):

Identify the time of day when you’re most energized and focused. Some people are up and moving before the sun makes an appearance, while others are night owls. Schedule your most important side hustle tasks during your peak productivity hours to maximize your output and creativity. Just make sure you are still getting adequate sleep because working with a significant deficit will certainly impact your productivity.

Tip: If you’re not sure when your peak productivity hours are, experiment with different times of day and track your energy levels and focus.

6. Reward Yourself (Because You Deserve It):

Acknowledge and give some space for those wins, no matter how small. Did you finish that blog post? Land a new client? Sell your first piece of handmade jewelry? Take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments and reward yourself. This could be a delicious treat, or even just a few minutes of guilt-free scrolling through social media. Just make sure you don’t go too far down the rabbit hole of your recommended feed.

Tip: Create a list of rewards you can look forward to, tailoring them to your personal preferences and budget.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Outsource (Your Time is Precious):

If certain tasks drain your energy or don’t align with your strengths, consider outsourcing them. This could be anything from hiring a virtual assistant to handle administrative tasks to outsourcing content creation or social media management. Freeing up your time allows you to focus on the aspects of your side hustle that you truly enjoy and excel at.

8. Find Your Tribe (Support is Key):

Connect with other side hustlers, either online or in person. Share your challenges, successes, and tips. Having a supportive community can be a powerful motivator and source of inspiration.

Tip: Join online forums, Facebook groups, or local meetups for side hustlers and entrepreneurs. Attend workshops or conferences related to your field.


There will be days when you’re bursting with energy and others when you just want to curl up on the couch. Be kind to yourself, embrace the flexibility that comes with a side hustle, and don’t give up on your dreams. With persistence, planning, and a sprinkle of self-compassion, you’ll create a side hustle that not only boosts your income but also brings you joy and fulfillment.

Now go forth and hustle! (But maybe take a nap first.)

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